





Possible cause



Print quality is poor.

You may be printing in Ink-

Replace the missing print


backup Printing Mode. The

cartridge with a new one. For


printer enters Ink-backup

more information, see install


Printing Mode when one of the

or replace a print cartridge on


print cartridges is missing.

page 13.






You may be printing in Ink-

Replace the missing print


backup Printing Mode with the

cartridge with a new one. For


black print cartridge installed

more information, see install


and borderless printing turned

or replace a print cartridge on



page 13.



For more information about



using Ink-backup Printing



Mode, see use ink-backup



printing mode on page 18.






One of the print cartridges

Windows PC


may be running out of ink.

Check the ink levels of the



print cartridges from the



Estimated Ink Level tab of the



HP Photosmart Series









Check the ink level status in



the HP Inkjet Utility.



For more information about



checking ink levels, see the HP



Photosmart Printer Help. For



information about viewing the



printer help, see view the hp



photosmart printer help on



page 2



If a print cartridge is running



low on ink, replace it. For



more information, see install



or replace a print cartridge on



page 13.






You may need to clean the

Windows PC


print cartridges.

From the Device Services tab



of the HP Photosmart Series



Toolbox, click Clean the Print









From the Clean panel in the



HP Inkjet Utility, click Clean.





basics guide