Guest Management Software Administrator Guide


3 Working with the Guest Management Software

Blue (Suspended): Account is inactive because it was suspended by an operator. Use the Activate/Resume button to re-activate the account. (Only Active accounts can be suspended.)

Yellow (Expired): Account is inactive because its duration has expired.

Unique ID

Unique account identifier. This number is automatically generated by the Guest Management Software when the account is created. The Unique ID is printed on the voucher and may be used to search for the account in the account list.


The login name assigned to the account.


Batch name assigned to the account. Batch names are assigned when multiple accounts are created simultaneously using the New Accounts Wizard.

Error description

Provides information when the Guest Management Software is unable to define an account on a controller.

Account list operations

The following operations can be performed in the Accounts list pane:

Sort the list by selecting the column title.

Select an account to display its details in the Account pane to the right of the accounts list. You may have to scroll down in the Account pane to view all of the details.

Double-click an account to edit it using the Edit Guest Account Wizard.

Select multiple accounts by holding down the Shift or Ctrl key as you select accounts in the list. Account details are not displayed when multiple accounts are selected.

Press Delete to remove the selected account.

Press Ctrl-Ato select all accounts in the list.

Press Ctrl-Cto copy all selected accounts and their details to the clipboard. Each account is treated as a paragraph with the details separated by tabs. You can then paste the information into another application.


The Accounts tab buttons provide quick access to all configuration and management functions for guest accounts. Some buttons are only active when one or more guest accounts in the list are selected.


Select the Refresh button to manually synchronize the Guest Management Software with the database. When using the Guest Management Software with an external database and multiple operators, synchronization occurs automatically on a regular basis. Manual synchronization enables you to force an update to view database changes immediately when made by other operators or at the controller level.