Guest Management Software Administrator Guide


3 Working with the Guest Management Software

Set Server UDP port to match the setting on the controller. Make sure that this port is not already used by another application (like another syslog server). This should show as an error in the Guest Management Software events log.

3.Select OK.

User Tracking table

The User Tracking table displays the following information for each connection.


Time the connection was created. The timestamp is assigned by the controller. To ensure that the time filter functions correctly, make sure that the system time on the controller and the computer running the Guest Management Software are both accurately set.


Protocol used to make the connection.

Client username

Login name assigned to the guest.

Client MAC

MAC address of the guest station.

Client IP

IP address of the guest station.

Client port

Ethernet port on the guest station.

Target IP

Target IP address where the connection is established.

Target port

Target port where the connection is established.

SC serial #

Serial number of the controller that is handling the connection.

SC Internet port address

IP address of the Internet port on the controller that is handling the connection.

Guest tracking connection list operations

To select multiple events, hold down the Shift or Ctrl key as you select events in the list.

Select a column title to sort the events by the values in the column.

Press Ctrl-Ato select all entries in the list.


Enables you to filter the connection log based on the values of columns in the connection list.