HP Netserver High Density Rack Solutions Overview (LP 2000r)

6Route the power cords to the appropriate power distribution unit.

Again, different systems require different solutions but servers with redundant power supplies may require special care when selecting the PDUs. To maintain the protection of redundancy, both power supplies in a server can be connected to separate PDUs.

In addition you must ensure that your power cords will be long enough to reach the assigned PDU. This is why we recommend placing the horizontal PDU in the middle of the rack.

Here is one recommended solution:

In systems with just one server power supply, connecting to the appropriate PDU is less complex but do keep the current draw in mind so that the PDUs are not overloaded.

7Maintain the ambient temperature.

When physically routing the power cords make sure that they don’t impede airflow to the servers. When crossing over from the right side to reach the PDUs mounted on the left rear post, route the cords along the cable management arm but don’t attach them to the arm. This will prevent the arm from smoothly articulating when a server is pulled out from the front.