Using ODBCLink/SE With ODBC Applications | ODBCLink/SE Reference Manual |
You may highlight one or more tables and then click AOK@. This will create an Aattached table@ which you may later open and modify. An attached table is treated like a local table in every way (you may read it, update it, delete it, import it, or join it to other local or remote tables.)
Note: Ensure you have checked the SAVE PASSWORD box. This stores the User-ID returned by the driver in the Table Properties field and allows you to connect afterwards with the same User-ID. You should get a list of tables on the HP3000. Whenyou select one of them, it will load the batle structure (which you may examine by opening the table in Design View) and store the table in the database as an attached table. Once the table is attached, it is treated like a local table in every way, except that you may not modift the table structure. You may open the table in taew, run reports or queries against it, or link it to other local or remote tables.
| ODBCLink/SE |
44 | ©M.B. Foster Associates Limited 1995-2000 |