Brother Internet Print (TCP/IP)Troubleshooting

1.The first step in troubleshooting is to make sure that you have a valid E- mail connection on both the sending PC and the receiving Print / Fax server. Try sending an E-mail message from the PC to a user at the remote site who can receive mail via the POP3 server. If this does not work, there may be an E-mail configuration problem on the PC, on the local E-mail server, or on the remote POP3 server. Double check to make sure that the E-mail parameters that you configured on the PC and on the remote Print / Fax server match those that are configured on the E-mail servers.

2.If you can print small files OK but are having problems printing large files, the problem may be in the e-mail system! Some E-mail systems have difficulties printing large files. If the file does not reach its destination intact, then the problem is with the E-mail system.

3.You can also enable the partial e-mail print facility on your client PC, this will split the e-mail up into fragments which should then not overwhelm your e-mail server. To do this, select the property dialog of the Brother Internet Print Port.
