PRO RX Installation and User’s Manual

5.2.3. Create >2TB RAID Set for Windows XP (32bit):

If RAID is larger than 2TB, configure using multiple 2TB Volumes and then use Windows to Span them together. This will end up with one drive letter of the full capacity of the RAID.


Create the RAID Set under RaidSet Functions by selecting all of the drives.

Create multiple Volume Sets under the VolumeSet Functions Select the desired Volume Raid Level

Set the Select Volume Capacity to 2199GB Set Greater Two TB Volume Support to No

Set Volume Initialization Mode to No Init (if applicable)* Check the Confirm the Operation box

Click Submit

Repeat this step until all of the space are assigned.

*By setting the Volume Initialization Mode to No Init will result in immediate availability of the RAID set, no need to wait for long initialization time.

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PRO RX Installation and User’s Manual

To view and confirm the Volume settings, select Information > RaidSet Hierarchy.


In Windows Disk Management, make these volumes as Dynamic Disks and span them together to make one large disk. Spanning is recommend as oppose to striping. Striping in this configuration requires more system overhead and will actually reduce performance. Use Spanning.

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