*Build versions $BIGLB.LIB and $BGCDS.LIB that support type 12
*FSRV, is going to be used.
set rte_nfs = T
*Abort the installation if any LINK errors are encountered.
set rte_return = A
*Create the /target directory on a disk that has enough free
*space for all of the products being installed. (It requires
*approximately 100,000 free blocks to install all of the products
*and keep the link map files.)
crdir /target 50
*Save the link map files in /target/maps/
set rte_maps = /target/maps
*Skip the LANVCP and MAIL/1000 subsystems.
set lanvcp = set mail =
/rte_a/rte_install /system/newsys.snp
*Suspend the installation if any LINK errors are encountered.
set rte_return = S
*Set the target directories to the current system’s global
*directories. (The type 6 files will be placed in /programs.)