HP RTEA manual

Models: RTEA

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*System Relocation Phase



Do not list the module entry points


Echo errors to the terminal

re %vctr:92570,,

Entry points

tg 700

Number of tags required

re %mapos:92077,,

Partitioned OS tag routines

re %rpl70:92077,,

No CDS no double precision floating point

re %exec:92077,,

EXEC request processing

re %rtioa:92077,,

Real–Time I/O control

re %maps:92570,,

Dynamic mapping system routines

re %progs:92570,,

Program state processing

re %util:92570,,

System variables and utilities

re %sam:92077,,

System available memory

re %sched:92570,,

Programmatic program scheduling

re %strng:92077,,

Runstring passing

re %erlog:92570,,

Error Logging

re %opmsg:92077,,

Operating system messages

re %sycom:92570,,

Operator commands

re %iomod:92570,,

I/O module

re %id*43:92077,,

Power fail driver

re %signl:92570,,

Signals module

re %$idrpl:92570,,

System ID dup IDRPL



se $syslb:92570,,

Search the system library



*define partitionable modules

pa perr,xcmnd,stat,dsq,vema,lock,load,memry,iorq pa time,class,abort,alarm

ms $sysa:92570,,

Search the system dummy library




End system relocation phase


*OS module/Driver partition Phase


re %load:92570,,

Program loading and swapping





re %memry:92570,,

Memory management module





re %iorq:92570,,

I/O request processing





re %lock:92570,,

LU locking and resource numbers

re %time:92077,,

Time scheduling of programs





re %class:92570,,

Class I/O module





re %xcmnd:92570,,

Operator command extension module

re %stat:92077,,

Status command module

re %dsq:92570,,

NS/1000 module

Page 256
Image 256
HP RTEA manual