You may specify that the VMA backing store scratch files are to be put onto a FMGR cartridge using:


The LU may have been previously mounted by an MC command, but it need not have been. The same error messages apply to SC as to MC. If a scratch LU is not defined at boot, /SCRATCH is used. The LU must be a FMGR LU; otherwise, an error VM209 (no such directory) occurs when creating a VMA scratch file.

Bad Pages


Bad pages cannot be specified in the system or system common area. If there are bad pages in either of these areas, the physical memory must be repaired, replaced, or reordered.

The BP command allows you to specify any bad pages of memory. All bad pages must be specified before any partitions are defined, and must be identified in increasing order. BOOTEX skips any bad pages as it is defining partitions. The BP command can take either of the following forms:

BP,page number

identify a bad page of memory by its page number. This page


number is printed in the parity error message.


identify a block of bad pages from pnum1 through pnum2.

The parity error message, issued when a system parity error is detected, is:

Parity error occurred at physical page nn page address mmmmm

The message identifies the page (nn) and address within the page (mmmmm) at which the error was detected. Often a second message:

Pages actually marked bad (downed) =xx

is issued to specify the number of pages marked as bad.

It is strongly recommended that you maintain a written log of bad pages, and keep this log physically adjacent to the system console for use with the BP command at boot.

J4 Boot Extension BOOTEX