Refer to IS260 if remsh is used instead.

Installation Step: IS350

Search .profile in the home directory of <sid>adm and remove the set -u, if found. Installation Step: IS360

Add all relocatable IP address information to /etc/hosts on all nodes in the cluster.

Modular Package Configuration

This section describes the cluster software configuration. Refer to the standard Serviceguard manual “Managing Serviceguard” to learn about creating and editing a cluster configuration file and how to apply it to initialize a cluster with cmquerycl(1m) and cmapplyconf(1m). The following section assumes that a cluster is up and running on the intended primary node and all failover nodes.

Logon as root on any cluster host.

Installation Step: MS400

Create the SGeSAP package configuration file. The file might already exist, if the SAP System got installed onto virtual IP addresses.

The SGeSAP configuration file is usually created with one of the following commands:

cmmakepkg -m sgesap/all > ./sap.config — for a configuration file that covers all available SGeSAP module functionality and combines all SGeSAP modules in a single package.

cmmakepkg -m sgesap/sapinstance > ./sap.config — for a configuration file that is meant to create a package that clusters one or more SAP instances of a single SAP system.

cmmakepkg -m sgesap/dbinstance > ./sap.config — for a configuration file that is meant to create a package that clusters the database service underlying a single SAP system.

cmmakepkg -m sgesap/sapinstance –m sgesap/dbinstance > ./sap.config — for a configuration file that is meant to create a package that clusters a central system consisting of the database and one or more SAP instances of a single SAP system. All parts run on the same node at the same time.

NOTE: The System Central Service instances can be referred to by using SAP instance type naming conventions.

cmmakepkg -m sgesap/scs >./scs.config and cmmakepkg -m sgesap/ers >./ers.config

— separates System Central Service and Enqueue Replication into two packages.

cmmakepkg -m sgesap/scs -m sgesap/ers > ./sap.config — would immediately issue an error message, because System Central Services and Enqueue Replication cannot share the same package.

NOTE: SGeSAP modules can be referred to by using SGeSAP legacy package types.

cmmakepkg -m sgesap/db -m sgesap/ci > ./sap.config — creates a single package configuration file for database and SAP instance(s) (one package concept).

cmmakepkg -m sgesap/db > ./db.config and cmmakepkg -m sgesap/ci > ./sap.config

— separates database and SAP instances into two package configuration files (two package concept).

Optional Step: OS610

SGeSAP performs activities specific to the database you use. Specify the underlying database vendor using the DB parameter.

Possible options are: ORACLE and MAXDB. Refer to the SGeSAP release notes to see whether the required vendor is available for the SAP application component.



Specify the relocatible IP address of the database instance. Be sure to use exactly the same syntax as configured in the IP[]-array in the package control file.



Modular Package Configuration 57

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Image 57
HP Serviceguard Extension for SAP (SGeSAP) manual Modular Package Configuration, Db=Oracle, DBRELOC=