MAXDB distinguishes an instance dependant path /sapdb/<DBSID> and two instance independent paths, called IndepData and IndepPrograms. By default all three point to a directory below /sapdb.

The paths can be configured in a configuration file called /var/spool/sql/ini/SAP_DBTech.ini. Depending on the version of the MAXDB database this file contains different sections and settings.

A sample SAP_DBTech.ini for a host with a MAXDB 7.4 (LC1) and an APO 3.1 using a MAXDB 7.3 database instance (AP1):










_MAXDBAP=/sapdb/AP1/db AP1=/sapdb/AP1/db [Runtime] /sapdb/programs/runtime/7240=, /sapdb/programs/runtime/7250=, /sapdb/programs/runtime/7300=, /sapdb/programs/runtime/7301=, /sapdb/programs/runtime/7401=, /sapdb/programs/runtime/7402=,

For MAXDB and liveCache Version 7.5 (or higher) the SAP_DBTech.ini file does not contain sections [Installations], [Databases] and [Runtime]. These sections are stored in separate files Installations.ini, Databases.ini and Runtimes.ini in the IndepData path /sapdb/data/config.

A sample SAP_DBTech.ini, Installations.ini, Databases.ini and Runtimes.ini for a host with a liveCache 7.5 (LC2) and an APO 4.1 using a MAXDB 7.5 (AP2):

from /var/spool/sql/ini/SAP_DBTech.ini:




from /sapdb/data/config/Installations.ini: [Installations] /sapdb/LC2/db=,/sapdb/LC2/db /sapdb/AP2/db=,/sapdb/AP2/db

from /sapdb/data/config/Databases.ini: [Databases]





from /sapdb/data/config/Runtimes.ini: [Runtime] /sapdb/programs/runtime/7500=

liveCache Installation Step: LC010

If you decided to use option three, and the liveCache version is lower than 7.6:

98 SAP Supply Chain Management

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HP Serviceguard Extension for SAP (SGeSAP) manual LiveCache Installation Step LC010