mv .dbenv_<primary>.sh .dbenv_<secondary>.sh

mv .sapsrc_<primary>.csh .sapsrc_<secondary>.csh

mv .sapsrc_<primary>.sh .sapsrc_<secondary>.sh

mv .dbsrc_<primary>.csh .dbsrc_<secondary>.csh

mv .dbsrc_<primary>.sh .dbsrc_<secondary>.sh

The following statement should automate this activity for standard directory contents. Do not use a line break within the awk statement:

su - <sid>adm

ls -aawk '/<primary>/ { system( sprintf( "mv %s %s\n", $0,\

gensub("<primary>", "<secondary>", 1 ))) }'


Never use the relocatable address in these filenames. If an application server was already installed, do not overwrite any files which will start the application server. If the rc-files have been modified, correct any hard coded references to the primary hostname.

Installation Step: IS130

If the system has a SAP kernel release < 6.0:

On each host the files /home/<sid>adm/startsap <local>_<INR> and /home/<sid>adm/stopsap_<local>_<INR> exist and contain a line that specifies the start profile. After a standard installation of a Central Instance this line is similar to:


As<sid>adm, change the line individually on each node

On the primary host keep:


On the secondary (and any other potential failover) host change the value in both files to:


Oracle Database Step: OR150

If the primary node has the ORACLE database installed:

Create additional links in /oracle/<SID> on the primary node. For example:

su - ora<sid>

ln .dbenv_<primary>.csh .dbenv_<secondary>.csh ln .dbenv_<primary>.sh .dbenv_<secondary>.sh


NOTE: If you are implementing an Application Server package make sure that you install the Oracle Client libraries locally on all nodes you run the package on. Refer to OSS Note 180430 for more details.

Oracle Database Step: OR160

If you are using ORACLE:

Create a mount point for the Oracle files on the alternate nodes if it is not already there. For example:

su - ora<sid>

mkdir -p /oracle/<SID>


MAXDB Database Step: SD170

Create a mount point for the SAPDB files on the alternate nodes if it is not already there.

For example:

su - sqd<dbsid>

mkdir -p /sapdb/<DBSID>

HP-UX Configuration 53

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