4 SAP Supply Chain Management

Within SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM) scenarios two main technical components have to be distinguished: the APO System and the liveCache. An APO System is based on SAP Application Server technology. Thus, sgesap/sapinstance and sgesap/dbinstance modules can be used or ci, db, dbci, d and sapnfs legacy packages may be implemented for APO. These APO packages are set up similar to Netweaver packages. There is only one difference. APO needs access to liveCache client libraries. These files usually are searched via the path /sapdb/programs. How access to the client libs is ensured depends on the setup of the liveCache and is discussed in combination with the liveCache volume group layout below.

The second technical SCM component, called liveCache, is an in-memory database. The technical realization of liveCache is based on MAXDB technology. Even though liveCache is somewhat similar to the SAP owned database technologies, it needs special treatment. This is because a liveCache instance usually is closely coupled with the accompanying APO. SAP has defined a list of policies and requirements to failover solutions in order to allow support for liveCache High Availability.

Table 4-1 Supported SGeSAP lc package types

Master Token Failover with hot standby system (hss)

Use this solution for those more demanding environments that require failover times in the minute range, regardless of the size of the liveCache database.

Instance Failover and Restart

Use this solution for small liveCache databases, where the liveCache restart times during failover satisfies the service level that the business need dictates.Take into account that you may temporarily see a significant performance degradation as the liveCache is restarted.

This chapter describes how to configure and setup SAP Supply Chain Management using a liveCache cluster. The sgesap/livecache module and the lc legacy package type are explained in the context of failover and restart clusters as well as hot standby architectures.

Topics are as follows:

Planning the Volume Manager Setup

HP-UX Setup

Cluster Node Synchronization

Cluster Node Configuration

SGeSAP Package Configuration

Modular Package Creation

Legacy Package Creation

Service Monitoring

APO Setup Changes

General Serviceguard Setup Changes

The tasks are presented as a sequence of steps. Each mandatory installation step is accompanied by a unique number of the format XXnnn, where nnn are incrementing values and XX indicates the step relationship, as follows:

LCnnn—LP Package Installation Steps

GSnnn—General Installation Steps that manipulate already existing SGeSAP integrations

Whenever appropriate, HP-UX sample commands are given to guide you through the process in as detailed a manner as possible. It is assumed that hardware as well as the operating system and Serviceguard are already installed properly on all cluster hosts. Sometimes a condition is specified with the installation step. Follow the information presented only if the condition is true for your situation.

NOTE: For installation steps in this chapter that require the adjustment of SAP specific parameter in order to run the SAP application in a switchover environment usually example values are given. These values are


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HP Serviceguard Extension for SAP (SGeSAP) manual SAP Supply Chain Management