The following list summarizes how the behavior of SGeSAP is affected with different settings of the cleanup_policy parameter:

lazy - no action, no cleanup of resources

normal - removes orphaned resources as reported by SAP tools for the SAP system that is specified in sap_system. An obsolete ORACLE SGA is also removed if a database crash occurred.

strict - uses HP-UX commands to free up system resources that belong to any SAP Instance of any SAP system on the host if the Instance is to be started soon.

NOTE: Do not use the strict policy unless it is required. Be aware that the strict option can crash running instances of different SAP systems on the backup host. Use this value only if you have a productive system that is much more important than any other SAP system you have. In this case a switchover of the productive system is more robust, but additional SAP systems will crash.

You can also use strict policy, if your SAP system is the only one running at the site and you are low on memory. Strict policy frees up more of its own shared memory segments than the normal policy does.

Optional Step: OS423

It is possible to influence the system cleanup behavior of SGeSAP.

Many SGeSAP package activities depend on system resources that are provided via mechanisms that are not directly handled by the package. If these resources are not available, a package operation could fail. Sometimes the resources are just temporarily unavailable and the package activity would succeed if delayed long enough. To allow that kind of synchronization, SGeSAP enters loops that poll missing resources regularly and delays or retries activities that depend on these resources. The package activity continues after the resource becomes available again or fails after a maximum of retry_count attempts to successfully finish the activity.

The default for the parameter is set to 5. It can be raised on demand, if the package logs indicate racing conditions with timing issues.

Subsection for the Oracle database component: OR425

Parameters that can be set to handle an Oracle single-instance database as part of a package with the sgesap/dbinstance or sgesap/oracledb module.

The package parameter db_vendor defines the underlying RDBMS database technology that is to be used with the SAP application. It is preset to oracle in sgesap/oracledb, but should otherwise be manually set to oracle. It is still optional to specify this parameter, but either db_vendor or db_system needs to be set in order to include the database in the failover package.

db_system determines the name of the database (schema) for SAP. Usually it is a three letter name, similar to a sap_system value (SID). If the value is not specified, but db_vendor has been set, a database with default db_system=sap_system is assumed (SAP’s installation default), if sap_system is specified elsewhere in the package configuration.

Optionally, listener_name can be set if the Oracle listener is defined on a name different from the default value LISTENER.

Optionally, listener_password can be set if a password for the Oracle listener process is configured. The root user and any user with a defined Serviceguard access role (full admin, package admin or monitor) will be able to read this value.

sgesap/dbinstance can be used for databases of SAP JAVA-only, ABAP-only or dual stack instances. The module will detect all available SAP tools to handle the database and use them if possible. If no SAP tools are there or the SAP tools fail to work, a fallback is implemented to handle the database with generic tools of the database vendor.

Subsection for the MAXDB database component: SD426

Parameters that can be set to handle a MAXDB database as part of a package with the sgesap/dbinstance or sgesap/maxdb module.

The package parameter db_vendor defines the underlying RDBMS database technology that is to be used with the SAP application. It is preset to maxdb in sgesap/maxdb, but should otherwise be manually set to maxdb. It is still optional to specify this parameter, but either db_vendor or db_system needs to be set in order to include the database in the failover package.

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HP Serviceguard Extension for SAP (SGeSAP) manual Modular Package Configuration