db_system determines the name of the database (schema) for SAP. Usually it is a three letter name, similar to a sap_system value (SID). If the value is not specified, but db_vendor has been set, a database with default db_system=sap_system is assumed (SAP’s installation default), if sap_system is specified elsewhere in the package configuration.

Optionally, maxdb_userkey sets the MAXDB userkey that is mapped for the operating system level administrator to the database control user (via XUSER settings). The value needs to be set if the default control userkey 'c' is not available to be used.

Subsection for the SAP component: MS427

Parameters that can be set to handle one or more SAP instances as part of a package with module sgesap/sapinstance.

Asap_instance defines any SAP Netweaver Application Server instance based on the SAP ABAP technology-stack, the SAP JAVA technology-stack or a combination of both. All parts of the instance are packaged together as a single entity. This includes instance parts like icman, workprocesses, SAP JVMs or an IGS. System Central Service instances or the corresponding Enqueue Replication Service instances can also be specified. SAP instances are defined by specifying the instance name and instance number.

The sap_virtual_hostname parameter corresponds to the virtual hostname that got specified during SAP installation. The SAP virtual hostname is a string value. It is not possible to specify the corresponding ipv4 or ipv6 address. If the string is empty, the DNS resolution of the first specified package ip_address parameter will be substituted. In this case, the script only works properly if reliable address resolution is available. Domain name extensions are not part of the virtual hostname.

SAP Enqueue Replication Service instances (ERS) have the purpose to keep track of the runtime status of a SAP Central Service instance. They allow for a more seamless failover experience. For each SAP Replication Service that is part of the package, the corresponding, replicated Central Service instance needs to be specified in the sap_replicated_instance parameter.

It is possible to put several SAP instances into one package by specifying sap_instance and the corresponding sap_virtual_hostname and sap_replicated_instance parameters more than once. SAP infrastructure software that does not come as part of an instance can not be specified here.


sap_instance D03 sap_instance J33 sap_instance DVEBMGS00 sap_virtual_hostname reloc2 sap_instance ERS02 sap_virtual_hostname reloc3 sap_replicated_instance SCS01

Optional Step: OS441

If the software health of a SAP System Central Service instance ([A]SCS) should be monitored in order to detect SAP software malfunctions with the cluster, the package configuration file needs to configure service monitoring for the SAP message server.

Monitoring Routines periodically check the availability and responsiveness of the SAP Message Server.

The message server should generally be configured to restart locally by specifying restart in the SAP (start) profile. If Serviceguard recognizes the SAP Message Server to be unavailable for a longer period of time, it assumes that the restart doesn’t work or is accidentally not configured. Serviceguard will switch the package and try to restart on different hardware, usually the active enqueue replication server. SGeSAP service monitors will be paused within ten seconds if a debug file gets created for the package. For details see Chapter 6 –SGeSAP Cluster Administration. The debug file can be used to allow manual SAP instance shutdowns and startups. Make sure that all packaged SAP components are running when removing the debug file. Otherwise a failover will occur.

60 Step-by-Step Cluster Conversion

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HP Serviceguard Extension for SAP (SGeSAP) manual Step-by-Step Cluster Conversion