This executable installs the Sun JRE on your computer.
The Java
where $JRE_HOME is the directory containing the JRE installation.
3.In a terminal window, go to the $HOME/.mozilla/plugins directory. Create a plugins directory if it does not exist.
4.Remove any existing links to the Java
5.Create a symbolic link to the Java
NOTE: Remember the dot at the end of the command.
6.If you are a root user on the server and you want to make the
NOTE: Any existing
7.Restart your Web browser.
Installing the Software Security CertificateTo stop receiving a Security Alert message each time you use the HTTPS logon, install the software security certificate, as described in this section.
•”Installing the Certificate by Using Microsoft Explorer 6.0” on page 12
•”Installing the Certificate by Using Netscape Navigator 7” on page 13
•”Changing the Security Certificate to Match the Name of the Server” on page 13
Keep in mind the following:
•Enter the DNS name of the computer in the URL instead of localhost. If you use https://localhost to access the management server, you are shown a "Hostname Mismatch" error.
•For customers to receive a trusted certificate, they need to purchase a certificate from a trusted entity (most browsers have trust relationships set up for Verisign, Entrust, and Thawte, among others.) with the Common Name (CN) set to the name of their management server. Also note that the Common Name in the certificate must match the name in the URL.
Installing the Certificate by Using Microsoft
Explorer 6.0
1.Access the management server by typing the following:
where machinename is the name of the management server.
12 Overview