•password is the password of username.
•1234 the new port for the CIM Extension
4.Save the file.
5.Restart the CIM Extension for your changes to take effect.
NOTE: The CIM Extension looks for parameters in the cxws.host.parameters file whenever it starts, such as when it is started manually or when the host is rebooted.
6.The management server assumes the CIM Extension is running on port 4673. If you change the port number, you must make the management server aware of the new port number.
Discovery from HP SIM
Enter the port number on the System Protocol Settings page (Options > Protocol Settings > System Protocol Settings) under the WBEM section. Refer to the SIM documentation for more information.
Discovery from HP SE
In the IP Address/DNS Name field in the Add Address for Discovery page (Discovery > Setup
>Add Address on the HP SE Home page), type a colon and then the port number after the IP address or DNS name, as shown in the following example:
• is the IP address of the host
•1234 is the new port number
If you have already added the host to the discovery list (Discovery > Setup on the HP SE Home page) on the management server, you must remove it and then
Configuring UNIX CIM Extensions to Run Behind Firewalls
In some instances you will need to discover a host behind a firewall. Use the following table as a guideline. Assume the management server wants to discover HostA, which has three network interface cards on three separate networks with three separate IPs:,, and In the following table different configurations are presented:
•The “Manual Start Parameters for CIM Extensions” column provides what you would enter to start the CIM Extension manually on the host. See the Installation Guide for more information on how to start a CIM Extension manually.
•The “If Mentioned in cxws.host.parameters” column provides information on how you would modify the cxws.host.parameters file. See ”Permanently Changing the Port a CIM Extension Uses (UNIX Only)” on page 601.
•(Discovery from HP SE Only)The “Step 1 Discovery (Discovery > Setup from the HP SE Home page) and RMI Registry Port” column - Provides information about what IP addresses are required for the discovery list. The RMI Registry port is the port the CIM Extension uses. Keep in
602 Troubleshooting