10.In the Time to Run field, type the time you want to send the report. This time must be entered in the
11.Select one of the following options to determine how frequently you want to send the report.
•Daily - If you selected daily, select how frequently you want the management server to send the report.
•Everyday - The report is sent everyday.
•Weekday - The report is sent only Monday through Friday.
•Everyday for a specified number of days - Fill in the number of days you want the report to be sent daily. After the specified number of days, the report is no longer sent. For example, you could use this feature to send reports to someone's replacement while the person is away on vacation.
•Weekly - If you selected weekly, use the Frequency
•Monthly - If you selected monthly, select the time during the month you want the report sent.
•To send the report on the first or last day of the month, select the first option. Then, select First or Last from the
•To send the report on a specified day during the month, select the second option. Then, type the day on which you want the report sent. Keep in mind that the number of days in a month vary. So if you type 30 in this field, users will not receive a report in February.
Also, if you type 29 in this field, users do not receive the report in February during
12.Click the OK button.
To delete an
1.Access Chargeback Manager, as described in ”Accessing Chargeback Manager” on page 555.
2.Do one of the following:
•To access the reports through Chargeback Manager, click the Reports tab in Chargeback Manager and expand the Chargeback Reports node in the tree in the middle pane.
•To access the reports through Reporting, click the Reporter button in HP SE (Tools > Storage Essentials > Home). Then, expand the Reporter > Chargeback nodes in the tree in the middle pane.
3.Click the report for which you want to delete an
586 Chargeback Manager