2.Click the element for which you want to see a history of its performance.
3.In the bottom pane, click the Capacity Chart tab.
4.In the
5.In the pane displaying the chart, type a number in the Trend field.
The number corresponds to the number of frequency intervals for which the trending information will be provided. For example, if you type 5 in the Trend field, the chart provides trending information for five frequency intervals, such as five weeks if weeks was selected from the Frequency
6.Click the button.
The trending information is displayed.
NOTE: If there is not enough data to display, Capacity Manager does not display the chart. For example, if you selected the weekly option from Frequency
If you run the df
used capacity + available capacity + reserved capacity
Capacity Manager calculates the capacity differently, as shown below:
used capacity + available capacity
The difference between the two calculations is the capacity reserved for superuser. If a file system has a reserved capacity, the total capacity from the df
For example, assume you ran the df
The totals differ. How did this happen? When you ran the df
1904031 KB + 4717165 KB + 66880 KB = 6688076 KB
•1904031 KB is the used capacity
•4717165 KB is the available capacity
528 Finding an Element’s Storage Capacity