ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
Comprehensive Install Instructions
7.Unexport the DVD file system.
%exportfs -u -i /mnt/dvdrom
8.Unmount the DVD.
%/etc/umount /mnt/dvdrom
How to enable a DVD as a software depot
During the installation process, two DVDs will be required. Generic instructions for making a DVD accessible as a software depot for installation onto the Management Server are provided here. Please refer to the steps that follow for the specific DVDs that are required.
The steps to mount a DVD for use as a software depot are:
•Insert the DVD into the drive.
•Mount the DVD drive locally on that system.
•Register the depot on the DVD using swreg.
•Check the contents of the DVD using swlist.
These commands can only be executed as the superuser (i.e. root).
A DVD drive installed in the Management Server can be used for software installations. If the Management Server does not include a DVD drive, use one of the following two methods.
1.Connect a portable DVD drive to the Management Server.
2.Use an
For example, to mount the device /dev/dvdrom to the directory /mnt/dvdrom, execute the following commands on the “source machine” with the DVD drive.
%/usr/sbin/swlist @ /mnt/dvdrom
•Using the ClusterPack DVD, mount and register the DVD as a software depot.
•Install the ClusterPack Manager software