
FullMachineName= dir.example.com SuiteSpotUserID= www SuiteSpotGroup= other AdminDomain= example.com ConfigDirectoryAdminID= admin ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd= admin

ConfigDirectoryLdapURL= ldap://dir.example.com:389/o=NetscapeRoot

[slapd] SlapdConfigForMC= Yes UseExistingMC= No ServerPort= 389 ServerIdentifier= dir Suffix= dc=example,dc=com RootDN= cn=Directory Manager RootDNPwd= password123

[admin] Port= 9830 ServerIpAddress= ServerAdminID= admin ServerAdminPwd= admin


To create the default Directory and Administration Servers, the setup file must contain three sections of directives: [General], [slapd], and [admin].

You can use silent mode to create additional Directory Server instances, in which case you omit the [admin] from the setup file. For more information, see “Creating a new Directory Server instance silently” (page 39).

The predefined parameters in the setup file correspond to the information supplied during a typical setup. The setup file structure and directives are described in “Setup file directives”.

To create a setup file, you can run the setup script interactively with the -koption, which saves the setup file (.inf) after the installation. You can then use variations of this setup file for silent set up of subsequent instances, defining a unique instance name and port number for each run (and if setting up Directory Server on another system, defining the host name). For examples of setup files created using typical setup mode and custom setup mode, see “Sample setup files” (page 34).

3.Run the setup-ds-adminscript with the -sand -foptions.

# /opt/dirsrv/sbin/setup-ds-admin.pl -s -f /export/ds-inf/setup.inf

Running setup-ds-admin installs both the Directory Server instance and the Administration Server instance. This means that the setup file must specify parameters for both the Directory Server and the Administration Server. The -s option runs the script in silent mode, and -f /export/ds-inf/setup.inf specifies the setup file to use (setup.inf).

After the script runs, the new Directory Server and Administration Server instances are configured and running, as with a standard setup. Setup file structure

With a silent setup, all the configuration information that is normally supplied interactively with the setup script must be included in the setup file or passed in the command line with the setup-ds-admin.pl (or setup-ds.pl) command.

The setup file has three sections:

General It supplies information about the server machine; these are global directives that are common to all your Directory Servers.

30 Setting up HP-UX Directory Server