You can create new Directory Server instances through the Directory Server Console, as described in theHP-UX Directory Server administrator guide.

4.2.1 Creating a new Directory Server instance interactively

You can create additional instances of the Directory Server by running setup-ds-admin.plat the command line. You can choose one of the setup choices (express, typical, or custom) described in Chapter 3 “Setting up HP-UX Directory Server ”.

You can also provide Directory Server parameters on the command line, so that the instance is created with predefined defaults. For example, the following command runs the setup script with the Directory Server port default as 1100 and the Directory Manager password as itsasecret:

#/opt/dirsrv/sbin/ slapd.ServerPort=1100 slapd.RootDNPwd=itsasecret

4.2.2Creating a new Directory Server instance silently

Silent setup for a single Directory Server instance is useful for configuring multiple instances quickly.

To run a silent setup of a Directory Server instance, do the following:


When creating a single instance of Directory Server, the Directory Server package must already be installed, and the Administration Server must already be configured and running.

1.Create the setup file. It must specify the following directives:


FullMachineName= SuiteSpotUserID= www SuiteSpotGroup= other

[slapd] ServerPort= 389 ServerIdentifier= dir Suffix= dc=example,dc=com RootDN= cn=Directory Manager RootDNPwd= password123


The setup file must contain two sections of directives: [General] and [slapd], omitting the [Admin] section, which is used only when creating an Administration Server. (For information about creating an Administration Server in silent mode, see “Performing silent setup” (page 29).)

These directives correspond to the information supplied during a typical setup. The setup file directives are described in “Setup file directives” (page 31).

2.Run the setup-ds-admin.plscript with the -sand -foptions.

# /opt/dirsrv/sbin/ -s -f /export/ds-inf/setup-single.inf

In this command example, the -s option runs the script in silent mode, and the -f /export/ds-inf/setup.inf option specifies the setup file (/export/ds-inf/ setup.inf).

After the script runs, the new Directory Server instance is configured and running, as with a standard setup.

4.2 Creating additional Directory Server instances