HP UX Direry Server Tasks to perform before migrating, Configuring the Directory Server Console

Models: UX Direry Server

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6 Migrating or upgrading to HP-UX Directory Server from Netscape or Red Hat Directory Server

This chapter provides information about moving to HP-UX Directory Server 8.1 from Netscape Directory Server 6.11 or 6.21, or from Red Hat Directory Server 7.1 or 8.0.

In this chapter, moving to HP-UX Directory Server 8.1 from Netscape Directory Server 6.11 or 6.21, or from Red Hat Directory Server 7.1, is referred to as a migration; the two versions exist side-by-side during the migration while the data and configuration from the old server are copied over to the new 8.1 server. Migrations are discussed in “Migrating from Netscape Directory Server 6.x, or from Red Hat Directory Server 7.1” (page 47).

In contrast, moving to HP-UX Directory Server 8.1 from Red Hat Directory Server 8.0 is referred to as an upgrade; the new version completely replaces the old version. Upgrades are discussed in “Upgrading from Red Hat Directory Server 8.0” (page 53)

6.1Migrating from Netscape Directory Server 6.x, or from Red Hat Directory Server 7.1

This section explains the procedure for moving to HP-UX Directory Server 8.1 from Netscape Directory Server 6.11 or 6.21, or from Red Hat Directory Server 7.1.

NOTE: Before migrating to HP-UX Directory Server 8.1, you must either disable SSL in the legacy server or create a PIN file so that the legacy server can start up without interaction. To disable SSL, edit the legacy server's dse.ldif file and set the nsslapd-securityparameter to off. To create a PIN file, follow the instructions in the Administrator Guide for the legacy server.

NOTE: Most examples in this section assume the legacy server is Red Hat Directory Server 7.1, with the default server root directory path given as /var/opt/netscape/server7. For the Netscape Directory Server (6.11 or 6.21), you can substitute the following Netscape Directory Server default path in these examples: /var/opt/netscape/servers.

6.1.1 Tasks to perform before migrating

For the safety of the Directory Server data, perform the following tasks before beginning to migrate the Directory Server instances:

1.Shut down all Directory Server instances and the Administration Server, as described in “Starting and stopping servers” (page 44).

2.For servers that have a different configuration directory, make sure that the Directory Server Console write operations are moved from the configuration directory to the server itself, following the steps described in “Configuring the Directory Server Console” (page 47).


Be sure that the legacy Directory Server instance is not running when you start the migration. The new HP-UX Directory Server instance will use the same port numbers, and the migration process may inadvertently perform updates on the legacy instance instead of the new instance. Configuring the Directory Server Console

If you have a multi-master replication setup that replicates o=NetscapeRoot between the two master servers, server1 and server2, then by default, writes made through server2's Directory Server Console are written to server1, then replicated over. Modify the Directory

6.1 Migrating from Netscape Directory Server 6.x, or from Red Hat Directory Server 7.1


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HP UX Direry Server manual Tasks to perform before migrating, Configuring the Directory Server Console