Example 3-2 Example of setup file for a typical setup


FullMachineName= dir.example.com SuiteSpotUserID= www SuiteSpotGroup= other AdminDomain= example.com ConfigDirectoryAdminID= admin ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd= admin

ConfigDirectoryLdapURL= ldap://dir.example.com:25389/o=NetscapeRoot

[slapd] SlapdConfigForMC= No UseExistingMC= Yes UseExistingUG= No ServerPort= 18257 ServerIdentifier= directory Suffix= dc=example,dc=com RootDN= cn=Directory Manager UseReplication= No AddSampleEntries= No InstallLdifFile= suggest AddOrgEntries= Yes DisableSchemaChecking= No RootDNPwd= admin123

[admin] Port= 33646 ServerIpAddress= ServerAdminID= admin ServerAdminPwd= admin

3.6.8 Sending parameters in the command line

The setup script setup-ds-admin.plallows settings for the any of the three configuration components to be passed directly in the command line:

General (host server)slapd (LDAP server)admin (Administration Server)

Command-line arguments correspond to the parameters and values set in the setup file. The arguments used with setup-ds-admin.plspecify the setup file section (General, slapd, or admin), the parameter, and the parameter value in the following form:


For example, the following command sets the machine name, suffix, and Directory Server port of the new instance:

#/opt/dirsrv/sbin/setup-ds-admin.pl General.FullMachineName=ldap.example.com \ "slapd.Suffix=dc=example, dc=com" slapd.ServerPort=389

Argument values containing spaces or other shell special characters must be quoted to prevent the shell from interpreting them. In the previous example, the suffix value has a space character, so the entire directive has to be quoted. If many of the directives have to be quoted or escaped, use a setup file instead.

If you do not specify the -s(silent) option, arguments passed in the command line or specified in a setup file set the defaults used with prompts in interactive mode; arguments passed in the command line override corresponding arguments specified in the setup file. If you specify the -soption, the arguments passed in the command line override arguments specified in the referenced setup file.

3.6 Setting up the Directory Server and Administration Server