5.3 Starting the Directory Server Console

To launch the Directory Server Console, use the hpds-idm-consolescript :#/opt/dirsrv/bin/hpds-idm-console

When the login screen opens, you are prompted for the user name, password, and Administration Server location. The Administration Server has a standard HTTP address; the default is:

http://hostname:9830/If the Administration Server is using TLS/SSL, the URL begins with https://).

You can send the Administration Server URL and port with the start script. For example:

#/opt/dirsrv/bin/hpds-idm-console -a http://localhost:9830

The -aoption is a convenience, particularly if you are logging into a Directory Server for the first time. On subsequent logins, the URL is saved. If you do not pass the Administration Server port number with the hpds-idm-consolecommand, you are prompted for it at the Console login screen. For information on obtaining the Administration Server port number, see “Getting the Administration Server port number” (page 44).

5.4 Getting the Administration Server port number

To find the port number for your Administration Server run the console.conf command:

#grep \^Listen /etc/opt/dirsrv/admin-serv/console.conf Listen

The command displays the port (port) after the colon in the Administration Server URL. .If the grep command reveals that the port is 9830, the Administration Server URL would be http://hostname:9830.

5.5 Starting and stopping servers

This section discusses starting and stopping the Directory Server and the Administration Server.

5.5.1 Starting and stopping the Directory Server

Use the following scripts in the instance directories to start, stop, or restart the Directory Server:


The Directory Server instance name can be specific in the start-slapd, stop-slapd, restart-slapdand system scripts. If an instance name is not given, the start or stop operation applies to all instances on the machine.

5.5.2 Starting and stopping the Administration ServerUse the following scripts to start, stop, or restart the Administration Server:/opt/dirsrv/sbin/start-ds-admin/opt/dirsrv/sbin/stop-ds-admin/opt/dirsrv/sbin/restart-ds-admin

5.6Resetting the Directory Manager password

Passwords are stored in the Directory Server databases and can be modified with tools like ldapmodify and through the Directory Server Console. The Directory Manager password is stored in the Directory Server configuration files and can be viewed (if lost) and modified by editing that file. To check or reset the Directory Manager password, do the following:

44 General usage information