To return to a previous dialog screen prompt, type Ctrl-Band press Enter. You can backtrack all the way to the first screen prompt.

Two prompts ask for a password. After entering a password for the first time, confirm the password by typing it in again. The password prompts do not echo the characters entered, so be sure to type them correctly.

When the script finishes, it generates a temporary log file in the /tmp directory called setupXXXXXX.log, where XXXXXX is a series of random characters. This log file contains all the prompts and answers (except for passwords) supplied to those prompts. You can specify a path and name of a log file to which the script writes output by specifying the -loption in the command line that runs the script. For more information on this and other options available with the script command line, see Table 3-1 (page 19).

Specifying parameter values or a setup file at the command line

Passing values for specific setup parameters

When passing values for parameters in the command line that runs the script, you specify the parameters (directives) in the format used in the configuration file that the script generates for the Directory Server instance. This setup configuration file has three sections, one for each of the major components of Directory Server: General (host server), slapd (LDAP server), and admin (Administration Server). Command-line arguments specify the setup file section, parameter, and value in the following form:


The following command example sets the machine name, suffix, and Directory Server port of the new Directory Server instance. The interactive setup script displays these values as the defaults for the associated parameters. In silent mode, these are the values used for configuring the Directory Server.

#/opt/dirsrv/sbin/ \ "slapd.Suffix=dc=example, dc=com" slapd.ServerPort=389

If argument values contain spaces or other shell special characters, prevent the shell from interpreting them by enclosing the values in quotes. In the previous example, the suffix value has a space character, so the entire directive has to be quoted. If many of the directives have to be quoted or escaped, use a setup file with predefined values instead of passing these arguments in the command line.

Specifying a setup file with predefined values

In the command line, you can use the -foption to specify a setup file that includes predefined parameter values. The following command specifies that the script use file custom.inf to determine the default values for prompts in interactive mode:

#/opt/dirsrv/sbin/ -f custom.inf

Running the setup script in silent mode

To run the script in silent mode, include the -soption in the command line, along with the -foption and a specified setup file. The following command specifies that the setup script run silently, using setup file common.inf to provide the values for Directory Server parameters.

#/opt/dirsrv/sbin/ -s -f common.inf

The setup configuration file used for silent mode is described in more detail in “Performing silent setup” (page 29).

Passing specific parameter values in conjunction with a specified setup file

When you specify a setup file in the command line in conjunction with command line parameters, the parameters passed in the command line override the predefined values specified in the setup file. This is useful when you have created a setup file to serve as the basis for setting up multiple Directory Server instances. The command line parameters

18 Setting up HP-UX Directory Server