The administrator user's password.

The Configuration Directory Server Admin domain, such as

The CA certificate to authenticate to the Configuration Directory Server. This is only required if the Directory Server instance will connect to the Configuration Directory Server over LDAPS. This should be the full path and file name the CA certificate in PEM/ASCII format.

6.If you registered your Directory Server with an existing Configuration Directory Server, skip to step 9. Otherwise, continue with this step.

Set the administrator user name. The default is admin.

7.Set the administrator password and confirm it.

8.Set the administration domain. This defaults to the host's domain. For example:

Administration Domain []:

9.Enter the Directory Server port number. The default is 389 unless that port is in use, in which case the setup script supplies a randomly generated one.

Directory server network port [389]: 1066

10.Enter the Directory Server identifier; this defaults to the host name.

Directory server identifier [example]:

11.Enter the directory suffix. This defaults to dc=domain name. For example, for domain, the default is shown as follows:

Suffix [dc=example, dc=com]:


After setup, you can create additional suffixes for the Directory Server instance using the Console or the command line (for more information, see the HP-UX Directory Server administrator guide). In addition, you can use the ConfigFile parameter in the setup command line or within a setup file (see “Importing LDIF files for configuring Directory Server users, replication, and other entities” (page 36)).

12.Set the Directory Manager user name (DN). The default is cn=Directory Manager.

13.Set the Directory Manager password and confirm it.

14.Select whether you want to install sample entries with the Directory Server instance. An example LDIF with preconfigured users, groups, roles, and other entries is imported into the Directory Server database. This option is helpful for evaluation or testing Directory Server features.

15.Select whether to populate the Directory Server with data; this means whether to import an LDIF file with existing data into the Directory Server database. If the answer is yes, then supply a path to the LDIF file or select the suggested file. If the LDIF file requires custom schema, perform a silent setup instead, and use the SchemaFile directive in the .inf to specify additional schema files. For information on .inf directives, see “Setup file directives” (page 31) .

The default option is none, which does not import any data.

16.Enter the Administration Server port number. The default is 9830 unless that port is in use, in which case the setup script supplies a randomly generated one.

Administration port [9830]:

17.Set an IP address for the new Administration Server to use. The Administration Server uses a web server, and this parameter is set in the console.conf file for the server. Setting this parameter restricts the Administration Server to that single IP. Set this if you are installing on a multi-homed system and do not want the Administration Server to use the first of the

28 Setting up HP-UX Directory Server