IP addresses automatically assigned to the system. Using (the default) allows the Administration Server to acquire any IP address.

18.Set the user that the Administration Server process will run as. The default is www. For example:

Run Administration Server as [www]:

19.The last prompt asks if you are ready to set up your servers. Answer yes, after which messages such as the following are displayed. If you are not ready, answer no to return to the preceding prompt; use Ctrl-B(followed by pressing Enter) to continue to preceding prompts.

Are you ready to set up your servers? [yes]: y Creating directory server . . .

Your new DS instance 'example3' was successfully created. Creating the configuration directory server . . .

Beginning Admin Server reconfiguration . . .

Creating Admin Server files and directories . . .

Updating adm.conf . . .

Updating admpw . . .

Registering admin server with the configuration directory server . . .

Updating adm.conf with information from configuration directory server . . .

Updating the configuration for the httpd engine . . .

Restarting admin server . . .

The admin server was successfully started.

Admin server was successfully reconfigured and started. Exiting . . .

Log file is '/tmp/setupul88C1.log'

When the setup-ds-admin.plscript is done, then the Directory Server is configured and running. To log into the Directory Server Console to begin setting up your directory service, do the following:

1.Get the Administration Server port number from the Listen parameter in the console.conf configuration file.

#grep \^Listen /etc/opt/dirsrv/admin-serv/console.conf Listen

2.Using the Administration Server port number, launch the Console.

#/opt/dirsrv/bin/hpds-idm-console -a http://localhost:9830


If you do not pass the Administration Server port number with the hpds-idm-consolecommand, you are prompted for it at the Console login screen.

3.6.7 Performing silent setup

Silent setup uses a file to predefine all the Directory Server configuration parameters that are normally supplied interactively with the setup script. The silent functionality allows you to script the setup of multiple instances of Directory Server. Silent setup is useful at sites where many server instances must be created, especially for heavily replicated sites that will create a large number of consumer servers.

Silent setup uses the same script used to create instances of Directory Server and Administration Server. You specify a special option (-s) in the command line to cause the script to run silently. You specify an additional option that references the parameter setup file (for example, -f setup.inf). The command line can also include specific parameter values that override those defined in the referenced setup file.

For silent setup of both the Directory Server and Administration Server, do the following:

1.Install the Directory Server package.2.Create the setup file. It must specify the following directives:

3.6 Setting up the Directory Server and Administration Server