Configuring HP-UX IPSec

Step 8: Committing the Batch File Configuration and Verifying Operation

ipsec_admin -status

You will see a display similar to the following:

----------------- IPSec Status Report -----------------

Time: Thu Dec 24 15:21:37 1998

secauditd program: Running and responding

secpolicyd program: Running and responding

ikmpd program: Running and responding

IPSec kernel: Up

IPSec Audit level: Error IPSec Audit file: /var/adm/ipsec/auditThu-Dec-24-15-21-49-1998.log Max Audit file size: 100 KBytes

Level 4 tracing: None

-------------- End of IPSec Status Report -------------

During normal operation, the status of the secauditd, secpolicyd and ikmpd programs will be Running and responding and the status of the IPSec kernel will be Up.

5.Verify IPSec policies with Pass or Discard transforms.

To verify proper operation of IPSec policies with Pass or Discard actions in the transform list, generate network traffic that matches the IPSec policy packet filter or that matches the IPSec policy IP address, port, and protocol parameters.

Enter the following command to determine the action taken by HP-UX IPSec.

ipsec_report -cache

Search the command output for the entry with the matching source and destination IP addresses, source and destination port numbers, and protocol. Check the value of the Filter field. This is the action taken by HP-UX IPSec. Match the transform configured for the IPSec policy pass or discard).

For more information on the ipsec_report command, refer to the ipsec_report (1M) manpage.

6.Verify host IPSec policies with AH or ESP transforms.

To verify proper operation of host IPSec policies with AH or ESP transforms, generate network traffic that matches the IPSec policy packet filter or that matches the IPSec policy IP address, port, and protocol parameters.


Chapter 3