HP-UX IPSec and HP-UX Mobile IPv6

Step 1: (Required) Securing Binding Messages Between the Home Agent and Mobile Node

Manual key SPI numbers must be outside the range for dynamic key SPI numbers. In installations using the default range for dynamic key SPI numbers (300 - 2500000), the ranges for inbound manual key SPI numbers are 1 - 299 and 2500001 - 4294967295.

auth_key is the hexadecimal authentication key, prefixed by 0x. For MD5, auth_key is 32 hexadecimal digits. For SHA-1, auth_key is 40 hexadecimal digits. The key must match what is configured on the remote system.

enc_key is the hexadecimal encryption key, prefixed by 0x. For DES, enc_key is 16 hexadecimal digits (8 bytes). For 3DES, enc_key is 48 hexadecimal digits (24 bytes). For AES128, enc_key is 32 hexadecimal digits (16 bytes). The key must match what is configured on the remote system.

ivis the Initialization Vector (IV). Hexadecimal (prefixed by 0x), 64-bit initial block used for cipher block chaining encryption. The IV must match what is configured on the remote system. The default value for iv is 0x0000000000000000.

Chapter 7