Configuring HP-UX IPSec

Step 1: Configuring Host IPSec Policies

Default: The value of the flags parameter in the HostPolicy-Defaults section of the profile file used. The default flags value is NONE.

Host IPSec Policy Configuration Examples

The following batch file entry configures a host IPSec policy that requires all traffic between (the local system) and to use ESP with AES128 encryption and HMAC SHA-1 authentication:

add host apple_banana -source \

-destination -pri 20 -action ESP_AES128_HMAC_SHA1

The following batch file entry configures a host IPSec policy that requires all outbound IPv4 rlogin sessions (where the local system is an rlogin client) to use authenticated ESP, with AES128 encryption and HMAC SHA-1 authentication. The user does not specify the source argument, and the ipsec_config program uses the default source argument value from the /var/adm/ipsec/.ipsec_profile file ( - the wildcard IPv4 address and any port). The destination argument specifies the wildcard IPv4 address (, and service name RLOGIN (port 513, protocol TCP).

add host rlogin_out -destination \ -pri 100 -action ESP_AES128_HMAC_SHA1

The following batch file entry configures a host IPSec policy that requires telnet requests (where the local system is the telnet server) from subnet to use authenticated ESP, with AES128 encryption and HMAC SHA-1 authentication.

add host telnet_in -source \ -destination -pri 120 \

-action ESP_AES128_HMAC_SHA1

The following batch file entry configures a host IPSec policy for an application that listens for requests on local TCP port 50000. The policy requires all packets connecting to the application to use AH with HMAC SHA-1 authentication.

add host my_app -source -protocol TCP \ -pri 140 -action AH_SHA1

The local system ( is using a host-to-host tunnel with system following batch file entry configures a host IPSec policy that references the tunnel policy my_host_host_tunnel and specifies

Chapter 3