Migrating from Previous Versions of HP-UX IPSec

Pre-Installation Migration InstructionsPre-Installation Migration Instructions

Before installing HP-UX IPSec version A.02.00, verify that your installation meets the following conditions:

MD5 version compatibility: If you are using MD5 transforms, all HP-UX IPSec systems must be version A.01.04 or higher. For more information, refer to “MD5 Version Compatibility” on page 289.

Migrating from HP-UX IPSec versions prior to A.01.003 (such as A.01.01 or A.01.02): You must follow the procedure listed in “Migrating from Versions Prior to A.01.03” on page 289.

MD5 Version Compatibility

HP-UX IPSec versions A.01.04 and higher fix a defect in the HP-UX IPSec MD5 algorithm. If you are using an earlier version of HP-UX IPSec (A.01.03 or earlier) to communicate with IPSec version A.01.04, A.01.05, A.01.06, or A.01.07 and using a transform with MD5, the authentication will intermittently fail and HP-UX IPSec will drop the packet and report an error.

If you are currently using HP-UX IPSec with any of the following transforms, you must simultaneously upgrade all your systems to HP-UX IPSec version A.01.04 or higher.

AH-MD5 transforms

ESP transforms that are authenticated using MD5:




Nested AH and ESP transforms that use MD5

If MD5 authentication fails between HP-UX IPSec version A.01.04 or higher and an earlier version of HP-UX IPSec, you will see entries similar to the following in the HP-UX IPSec log file:

Msg: 31 From: SECPOLICYD Lvl: ALERT Date: Friday Oct 19 16:12:30 2001

Event: Integrity Check Value failure - SPI: 1C97D8 IP addr:

3.136.171 proto: 51.

To view an HP-UX IPSec log file, use the command

ipsec_report -auditaudit_file_name [-fileoutput_file_name]

By default, HP-UX IPSec log files are located in the /var/adm/ipsec directory. The log file name format is auditdate_information.log.

Migrating from Versions Prior to A.01.03

If you are updating to HP-UX IPSec version A.02.00 from a version released prior to A.01.03 (such as version A.01.01 or A.01.02) and want to re-use your configuration files, you must use the following procedure to first update to HP-UX IPSec version A.01.05, then update to version A.02.00:

Appendix B