HP-UX IPSec and HP-UX Mobile IPv6

Step 1: (Required) Securing Binding Messages Between the Home Agent and Mobile Node


The home_agent_addr is the Home Agent’s IP address and cannot be a wildcard or subnet address.

-destination mn_home_addr

The mn_home_addr is the Mobile Node’s home address. This cannot be a wildcard or subnet address.

-protocol MH

The protocol must be MH (Mobile IPv6 Mobility Headers).


The priority_number is the priority value HP-UX IPSec uses when selecting a host IPSec policy (a lower priority value has a higher priority). The priority must be unique for each host IPSec policy. The range is 1 - 2147483647.


The transform_name must be an authenticated ESP transform with a non-null authentication method, according to the Mobile IPv6 protocol specification. For example, ESP_AES128_HMAC_SHA1. The transform cannot be a nested transform.

-inand -outmanual_key_sa_specification

For Mobile IPv6, the format for manual_key_sa_specification is:


ESP indicates the transform is an ESP transform. For Mobile IPv6, you must use an authenticated ESP transform with non-null encryption and authentication methods.

spi is the decimal or hexadecimal (prefixed by 0x) Security Parameters Index (SPI) number, used to identify the Security Association (SA). The inbound SPI must be unique on the local system for all ESP SAs, outside the range of dynamic SPI numbers, and match the outbound SPI on the remote system. The outbound SPI must match the inbound SPI on the remote system.


Chapter 7