HP-UX IPSec and HP-UX Mobile IPv6

Step 2: (Recommended) Securing Return Routability Messages Routed Through the Home Agent

Step 2A: Configure a gateway IPSec policy for the data path segments between the Home Agent and the Correspondent Node (2A in Figure 7-5).

Step 2B: Configure a gateway IPSec policy for the data path segments between the Home Agent and the Mobile Node (2B in Figure 7-5).

Step 2C: Configure a tunnel IPSec policy for the data path segments between the Home Agent and the Mobile Node (2C in Figure 7-5).


Step 2A: Return Routability Messages: Configuring


the Gateway IPSec Policy for Home Agent -


Correspondent Node Segments


The first gateway IPSec policy is for the clear text data path segments


between the Home Agent (the gateway) and the Correspondent Node


(data path 2A in Figure 7-5). The source and destination address


specifications are relative to the packets forwarded by the Home Agent:


the source is the Mobile Node’s home address and the destination is the


Correspondent Node address, or an IPv6 wildcard address (0::0).




You can use the following ipsec_config add gateway syntax for the


data path segments between the Home Agent and Correspondent Nodes


in most in topologies. To specify an add gateway operation for an


ipsec_config batch file, use the following syntax without the


ipsec_config command name (add gateway gwy_policy_name...).


Refer to the ipsec_config (1M) manpage for full syntax information.




You can omit the gateway IPSec policy for the Home Agent -


Correspondent Node segments if you are using the default gateway


IPSec policy shipped with HP-UX IPSec, which forwards all gateway


packets in clear text.


ipsec_config add gateway gwy_policy_name



-source mn_home_addr -destination cn_addr


-protocol MH [-priority priority_number] -action FORWARD


-flags MIPV6

Chapter 7