3Com recommends that you save your system configuration settings once the Webcache is configured and deployed within your network. Saving the configuration settings ensures that you can recover your entire system configuration if you ever need to
1Log in to the Web interface.
2If a new software version has been detected, the first screen of the Upgrade Software wizard is displayed. Click Next.
3The Software Upgrade Available screen is displayed. Click Next.
4You have four options to choose from:
■View Upgrade Version Release NotesSelect this to view detailed information about the new software version.
■Upgrade NowSelect this to upgrade the Webcache to the new software version now.
■Upgrade LaterSelect this to upgrade the Webcache to the new software version at a later time. You will be reminded about the upgrade when you next log in to the Webcache, as the Upgrade Software wizard will automatically open.
■Discard UpgradeSelect this if you do not want to upgrade the Webcache to the new software version. You will not be reminded about the upgrade to this particular version. The Upgrade Software wizard will not offer you the chance to upgrade to this version if you discard the software version. If you select Discard Upgrade and later wish to install the software version, you must disable Automatic Software Upgrade Detection in the Upgrade Settings window and perform a manual software upgrade.
Select an option and click Next.
5If you selected View Upgrade Version Release Notes, the release notes are displayed in a new instance of the browser window. Click Close to return to the Software Upgrade Available screen.
If you selected Upgrade Now, the Finish screen is displayed. Go to step 6.