♦Before you Start: Information, Tips and Hints
♦Software Installation for Windows NT 4.0
♦Software Installation for Windows 2000
You will need to install the Fire GL2 drivers and software in the following cases:
♦After you have installed the card to your system.
♦After you have
Note: To install or remove the Fire GL2 drivers, you need administrator rights or you must be logged on as a user with administrator rights under Windows NT and Windows 2000.
Information for Windows NT 4.0 — You must have the Microsoft Windows NT Service Pack (Service Pack 6 or higher) installed prior to installing the Fire GL2 drivers. The Service Pack is available from Microsoft's web page, www.microsoft.com. For most languages you can also perform the Service Pack 6 update from the Fire GL CD when you run the Quick Start utility.
18 Installing the Fire GL2