
Battery indicator is inaccurate.


General problems

Notebook resumes slowly from standby

Does not go on standby as expected.

Does not automatically enter hibernation as expected.

Notebook with Bluetooth won’t enter standby or hibernation.

Call Center:

Repair Center:

Repair Center:


Likely Causes


Time Remaining is an estimate based on how much power the notebook is using at that moment. It therefore depends on the current task, and assumes power will be used at the same rate until the battery runs out. So, for example, if the notebook is performing a task requiring a good deal of power (such as reading from a CD or DVD), the value will probably show too little time remaining.

Close all applications before entering (or allowing notebook to enter) standby or hibernation.

If problem appears after installing new software (including drivers), uninstall that software. Contact software vendor for additional support.

Notebook can take a minute or longer to resume if network card is installed. Blinking cursor appears while system is loading and checking hardware and network connections. When hardware is reinitialized, Windows desktop appears.

The notebook won’t suspend if it has an active connection to another computer.

If the notebook is busy, it normally waits to finish the current operation before suspending.

Make sure hibernate support is enabled in Power Options in Control Panel. Also, make sure the hibernate timeouts (Power Schemes tab) for AC and battery power are not set to Never.

Disable Bluetooth. If Bluetooth device is transmitting, notebook may not be able to enter standby or hibernation.


Troubleshooting and Diagnostics

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