Video/DVD: Video or Display

Problems or Errors


Possible solution



My DVD will

You can put data files on a DVD to store them or transfer them to another PC.

not play.

However, data files on a DVD do not play in a DVD player. Re-record your files to a


file format that can be read by DVD players.



My DVD is vertically

If your DVD playback is vertically stretched in Media Center, stop playback and


eject the disc. Reinsert the DVD and try to play it again.




Click Start on the taskbar, choose All Programs, InterVideo WinDVD,


InterVideo WinDVD Player, and then click InterVideo WinDVD to play


the DVD.



My image and video

For the best image and video quality on fixed-pixel displays (LCDs), Windows

display is a poor

desktop resolution should always be set to the original resolution of the panel.


Media Center requires more video memory at higher resolutions and may not


function reliably if there is not enough. Media Center displays a message if there is


not enough RAM to support the current resolution.



196Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 Reference Guide