Playback Speed Icons:
RecordSlow Play
Rewind, ReverseNormal Play

Fast Forward

Slow Play ReverseF

ast Forward2


NOTE: You can also change playback speed in the Snapshot and Recording View using the LEFT and RIGHT Cursor keys,although you cannot skip to the beginning or end of a recordingusing these keys.

NOTE: Sonar chart speed is increased during Fast Forward and reversed during Rewind. This may result in a reduced quality sonar image, since at higher speeds, not every sonar return can be processed.

Stop Playback

(optional-purchase MMC/SD Card only)

Settings: Press the RIGHT Cursor key to activate.

Stop Playback allows you to stop playback of a sonar recording from any view. This menu option is only available when an optional-purchase MMC/SD card is installed and Recording Playback is active.

NOTE: During playback, the amount of time/memory left to play is indicated by

the status bar. For more information, see Views: Snapshot and Recording View.

Snapshot and Recording X-PressMenu