898c SI & 998c SITransom Mount Transducer Installation

Side Imaging® Transducer, XHS 9 HDSI 180T (898c SI or 998c SI only)

In addition to the hardware supplied with your transducer, you will need a powered hand drill and various drill bits, various hand tools, including a ruler or straightedge, a marker or pencil, safety glasses and dust mask, and marine-grade silicone sealant.

The Side Imaging® transducer has some special requirements because of its side viewing capabilities:

The Side Imaging® transducer must NOT have anything obstructing the ‘view’ of the side looking beams, i.e. nothing can be in the line of sight of these beams (not a hull, motor, or other transducer, etc).

NOTE: You may need to tilt the motor up and out of the way when using the side looking beams.

In order for the side beams to be displayed accurately, the transducer must be mounted so that it is looking straight down in the water when the boat is in the water.

Transducer Mount Position

Unobstructed View: The jack plate gives

Obstructed View: The transducer is too

the transducersafe distance from the motor

close to motor turbulence, and the Side

and turbulence. The Side Imaging® has a

Imaging® view is blocked by the motor. The

clear view side-to-side.

view cannot extend from side-to-side.

NOTE: Due to the wide variety of hulls, only general instructions are presented in this installation guide. Each boat hull represents a unique set of requirements that should be evaluated prior to installation. It is important to read the instructions completely and understand the mounting guidelines before beginning installation.

NOTE: If the included transducer will not work for your application, you may exchange it, NEW and UNASSEMBLED, with mounting hardware included, for a transducer appropriate for your application - often at very little or no charge depending on the transducer. Call the Humminbird® Customer Resource Center at 1-800-633-1468 for details and pricing, or visit humminbird.com.

NOTE: When drilling holes in fiberglass hulls, it is best to start with a smaller bit and use progressively larger drill bits to reduce the chance of chipping or flaking the outer coating.


Transom Mount - Side Imaging®