As target information is received, the information is displayed in the Chart Views. In Bird’s Eye View, only the target position is displayed.

Vessel Icons identify the type of target.

Alarm & Red Vessel Icon identify a target that has exceeded the CPA (Closest Point of Approach) setting. The alarm sound and banner will display on the screen. Press any key to stop the alarm, but the vessel icon will continue to display as red until it is out of the CPA alarm zone.

Available Targets: If the AIS has not received information from a target within 10 minutes, the target will turn gray. If information is not received after 15 minutes, the target will disappear from the view. Also, if there are several targets on the view, and a new target messge is received, the oldest target will disappear from the view.

MMSI Tag (Maritime Mobile Service Identity) will be displayed if it is available for each target.

Target Course Lines point in the direction of a vessel’s course. The length of the line can be adjusted in the Target Course Line setting in the AIS Submenu.

Target Details: Information about each target can be found in the Target List in the AIS submenu. You can also use the 4-WAY Cursor Control key to move the active cursor onto a vessel icon. Press the INFO key to view available information, including target name, speed, course, latitude/longitude position, registration, call sign, and more.

AIS Submenu allows you to control and view AIS information.

Chart View with AIS


























Your Boat icon


Target Course Line



Target (Vessel in the area)


Gray Target (information unavailable)


AIS Submenu: The AIS submenu allows you to track targets, receive alerts when targets are within the distance you set, and display targets in Chart Views. In Bird’s Eye View, only the position will be displayed.

Accessories Menu Tab