Select Readouts


Settings: Various, Default = Off

Select Readouts sets the information to display in each of the 5 fixed- position data windows arranged around the left and bottom edges of the Sonar View screen. To leave the data window blank, select Off. See Views to change the Select Readouts.

Data windows can display readouts from supported accessories such as GPS Receiver or Temp/Speed. Each data window can be empty or contain one of the following information categories:

• Course

• Time

• Depth

• Time + Date

• Off

• Triplog

• Position

• Voltage

• Aux. Temperature

• Temperature

• Speed

• Water Speed

Select Readouts

Sonar, Side Imaging®, and Down Imaging™ Views: All 5 readouts can be customized.

During navigation: Readout 1 can be customized, and Readouts 2 - 5 are

fixed as follows: Readout 2 (Heading), Readout 3 (Bearing), Readout 4 (Split:

Cross Track Error (XTE) and Distance To Go (DTG)), and Readout 5 (Split: Time To Go (TTG) and Speed).

Chart Views: Readouts 1, 3, and 4 can be customized. Readout 2 (Heading) and Readout 5 (Speed) are fixed and cannot be customized.

During navigation: Readout 1 can be customized, and Readouts 2 - 5 are

fixed as follows: Readout 2 (Heading), Readout 3 (Bearing), Readout 4 (Split:

Cross Track Error (XTE) and Distance To Go (DTG)), and Readout 5 (Split: Time To Go (TTG) and Speed).

Bird’s Eye View: Readout 1 - 4 are fixed as follows: Depth, Heading, Position (Lat/Lon), and Speed.

During navigation: There are two columns of fixed readouts. The first column shows Depth, Time To Go (TTG), Position (Lat/Lon), and Speed. The second column shows Cross Track Error (XTE), Heading, Bearing, and Distance To Go (DTG).

NOTE: The availability of the digital readout information corresponds with the view selected, the accessory attached, and whether or not you are navigating.

Sonar View







Readout 1


Readout 3

5 Readout 5


Readaout 2


Readout 4


Setup Menu Tab