Use the keypad to enter the number of the next waypoint in the route. A maximum of 20
waypoints may be entered in a route.
Note: The "S" is the start of the route and the "E" is the end of the route. When traveling a route
you can start at any waypoint and travel in either direction (Refer to section IV. "To travel or clear
a route")
Press SELECT when selection is correct. The ROUTE menu will be displayed.
Press SELECT to return to the MAIN MENU. Pressing SELECT a third time will exit the Select
System and return to the map. Or you may press MAP, at any time while in the Select System, to
return directly to the map display.
Displaying a Route
After entering a route, if you want to display it on the map use the Select System to travel
the route, (see "To Travel or Clear a Route"). When a route is activated the first leg will always be
from the present position to the starting point.
Note: To clear a route press and hold CLEAR.
To determine the total distance of a route, go to the LIST ALL route menu. (See "Route
Existing Routes:
-Changing Permanent Routes
-Changing a Temporary Route to a Permanent Route
-Deleting a Route
After entering a permanent waypoint, you may want to change it. Any temporary route
you have defined by using the GO TO key may be converted to a permanent route. You may also
delete any existing route. All changes and deletions are made by using the Select System.
To retrieve the MAIN MENU press SELECT.
Use the up/down arrows to highlight ROUTE.
Press ENTER when the selection is correct. The ROUTE menu will be displayed.