Use the up/down arrows to choose the direction of travel.
Press ENTER when the setting is correct. This will return you to the ROUTE menu.
Pressing SELECT will exit to the MAIN MENU. Pressing SELECT again will exit the Select
System and return to the map. Or you may press MAP, at any time while in the Select System, to
return directly to the map display.
Note: After selecting a route to travel, the ROUTE mode will be activated. The GO TO key cannot
be used to add waypoints to a route when a route from the Select System is being traveled. The
CLEAR key can be used to clear the route, without using the Select System.
Route Listing
A list of all routes and waypoints within the routes can be displayed by using the Select
Press SELECT to enter MAIN MENU.
Use the up/down arrows to highlight ROUTE.
Press ENTER when the selection is correct. The ROUTE menu will be displayed.
Use the up/down arrows to highlight LIST ALL.
Press ENTER when the selection is correct. The SELECT ROUTE screen will be displayed.