GASBOY Series 70 & 1820
The incoming voltage to the pump should be checked and any reading not within 10% of rated voltage should be corrected before testing is continued. When dealing with suction pumps it is good practice to take voltage readings while the suction pump is operating on bypass (turned on but not dispensing product) and also while making a delivery. Any voltage drop in excess of 10% during either of these operating states should be considered a low voltage condition. Corrective action should be taken to insure an adequate power supply to the pump.
After determining that the pump is operating satisfactorily and the system is fully primed, check the pump and piping to make sure that all connections are tight. We recommend that the tank and all piping not be covered until this has been completed.
Meter Calibration
NOTE: This meter was redesigned causing the calibration procedure to be different depending on the age of your meter. Meters made after May 10,1995 are referred to as new style meters; meters made before that date are referred to as old style.
All GASBOY pumps are adjusted for accurate measure for gasoline within + .05 gallons at the factory. However, since the conditions of the installation can affect pump accuracy, it is the responsibility of the installer to check the pump for accuracy and make any needed adjustments. Where required, it is the owner's responsibility to report this device to the local Weights and Measures officials for their inspection before the unit is put into service.
Choose the flow rate at which the meter will be used most often for the zero calibration point. For example, if the pump is being used with an automatic nozzle, calibrate with the nozzle set on the middle or top notch position, whichever is used most frequently.
Use a certified
Follow the instructions in Section 3, Cabinet Removal for Installation or Service to access the calibration screw. Use a narrow blade screw driver to turn the adjusting screw clockwise to correct for plus cubic inches or counterclockwise for minus cubic inches in the test measure.
Count the number of full turns and fractional turns each time for reference in judging the number and direction of any additional turns required to calibrate the meter to exact zero.
For new style meters, start with the screw turned all the way in
clockwise. For gasoline calibration, turn the screw approximately two full turns
Replace the cap screw (old style only). Deliver about 1/2 gallon through the meter before resetting to zero and retesting. Allow a ten second drain period each time the test measure is emptied to assure accurate measure. Adjust and retest until register is zeroed at desired flow.
Strainer Cleaning
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