Chapter 3. DB2 client deployment 133
4. Click the Sharing tab.
5. Click the radio button, Share this folder.
6. In the Share Name field, enter a share name that is eight characters or fewer.
For example, enter NTCODESV.
7. Provide read access to the code directory to all thin client users:
a. Click Permissions. The Share Permissions window opens.
b. In the Group or Users Name list, highlight the Everyone group.
Note that you can give access to the Everyone group, to a group that you
have specifically defined for thin client users, or to individual thin client
c. Select Read as shown in Figure 3-46.
d. Click OK until all windows are closed.
Figure 3-46 Sharing the code server directory
Creating a thin client response file
After IBM Data Server client or DB2 Connect Personal Edition has been installed
on the code server, you will require a response file for the thin client.
The thin client sample response file, db2thin.rsp, is located in the directory,
C:Program Files\IBM\sqllib\thnsetup, where C:Program Files\IBM\sqllib
represents the location where you installed your thin client code server.