Chapter 5. Deploying pre-configured databases 257
Table 5-10 Shell scripts to start Java applications
Shell script Description
jscript.cmd Starts the Java application ScriptExecuter. The script to be
executed must be given as an argument. The script given as
the argument will be executed through the exe.cmd support
script to ensure correct handling of the return code. Example:
c:>jscript populatedb.cmd
jstmt.cmd Starts the Java application DDLExecuter. The name of the
file containing SQL and /or DDL statements must be given
as a parameter. Server information, database name, and
user ID /password in this script must be modified to reflect the
target environment. Example:
c:>jstmt populatedb.sql
jmigrate.cmd Starts the Java application MigrateExecuter. The migrate
action must be given as an argument. Server information,
database name, and user ID/password in this script must be
modified to reflect the target environment. Example:
c:>jmigrate print