46 DB2 Deployment Guide
Figure 2-4 Summary of the installation settings
8. A log file is created by the DB2 Setup wizard at same time. It is used to log
the installations steps that DB2 Setup wizard has undergone, and its results.
The default path of the log file is /tmp/db2setup.log for root installation. Log
file of a non-root installation is /tmp/db2setup_userID.log, where user ID is the
user account that executes the installation.
On Windows, the installation log file can be located in the path,
“My Documents\DB2LOG\”. The installation log file uses the format,
DB2-ProductAbbrev-DateTime.log (for example, DB2-ESE-Tues May 27
12_04_45 2008.log).
2.2.2 db2_install
The db2_install utility is a command line based installer commonly used by
expert users for installing DB2 on larger, more complex multiple-partition
systems. Tasks such as setup of user IDs and groups, instance creation, tools
catalog database creation, and notification setup, have to be performed manually
after the installation.