Chapter 2. DB2 server deployment 47
Note that db2_install is only available on UNIX and Linux platforms. Some
people prefer this method because it bypasses the configuration performed by
DB2 Setup and allows you to configure DB2 your preferred way in the first place.
Though not interactive as DB2 Setup, db2_install will prompt the user for the
required information if no options are specified.
The command usage of db2_install is as follows:
db2_install [-b <installpath>] [-p <db2producttobeinstalled>]
[-c <imagelocation>] [-l <logfile>] [-f NOTSAMP]
[-t <trcFile>] [-n] [-L <language>] [-h|-?]
For the explanation of the command parameters, refer to the DB2 Information
Center at:
The steps for DB2 server deployment with db2_install are as follows:
1. Extract the installation image to a temporary folder. If it is on a DVD, mount it
with an operating system command. Change to the directory where
db2_install is located.
2. Issue db2_install from the command line to start the installer. When issuing
it without the command line option, it prompts you with a few questions as
shown in Example 2-4.
Example 2-4 The output of command db2_install
[root@Zaire /tmp/v95ga/ese] #./db2_install
Default directory for installation of products - /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5
Do you want to choose a different directory to install [yes/no] ?
Enter full path name for the install directory -
Specify one of the following keywords to install DB2 products.
Note: If you are installing a non-English version of DB2, National Language
Pack might be required. Use -L option of db2_install to specify the location of